United Negro College Fund/ Michael Jackson Scholarship

The Michael Jackson scholarship provides financial assistance to communication arts and social science students attending a UNCF college/university during the current academic year.

Candidates must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. The scholarship will provide an award up to $5,000 depending on the financial need of the student as verified by the attending University or College.

In order to have a completed application package, candidates must include:

* Completed Application profile

* Essay (prompt and instructions located within the appropriate section of the application)

* Transcript (unofficial accepted)

All application materials must be submitted by the deadline for full consideration. All previous recipients of this award must apply for reconsideration.

The deadline for this scholarship is usually in SEPTEMBER of each year, and the award amount is usually up to $5,000.

For more details, visit https://scholarships.uncf.org/Program/Details/d3330268-16ff-4102-abef-9f8d2571add0

Photo Credit: Houston Style Magazine
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